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The Gift of an Online Juris Doctor

Katie Vincer Sears

While I’ve been intrigued by the idea of obtaining a Juris Doctorate for over a decade, I didn’t realize that it was an actual option for me until this past spring. With three young kids, a professional career, and owning three dental practices, I knew that physically sitting in a law school classroom exceeded my personal bandwidth. However, thanks to Cleveland State, I now find myself entering my second semester of the online JD program! 


I spent my twenties in pursuit of my DDS and not even considering a JD. However, when I purchased my first dental practice in 2011, I unexpectedly found joy in the multiple months-long transactional process. I worked closely with my attorney, her team, and other attorneys within her firm. We read, discussed, considered, countered, and repeated again and again as we started with a letter of intent and until we finalized the purchase agreement with a lease. I was enthralled with the making-of-the-deal. So much so that I started the process of buying another practice less than two years later. Thus far, I have purchased two practices, started up “from scratch” two practices, sold a practice, and purchased commercial real estate. Through it all, I’ve relied on my beloved attorney, Cheryl DeVore.  


I first met Cheryl when attending dental school at The Ohio State University as she was my Dean of Students for the College of Dentistry. Soon after I graduated, she too left OSU to practice law full-time. Cheryl was a dental hygienist before attending and graduating from an evening law school program. She quickly became my mentor and I remain extremely grateful for her current mentorship. While we were catching up over lunch this past spring, I joked how I hoped to also practice dental law… one day. Rather, then responding with the anticipated laugh, she frankly stated, “You’ve joked about it for years. I think you should seriously consider it.” 


Cheryl’s advice resonated, and in that moment I knew in my heart she was right. Hearing her say those words aloud provided the catalyst to ignite my curiosity. However, I also knew that due to my life’s current demands a traditional JD program was not an option whatsoever. Honestly, I wasn’t even sure if an evening law program would work. So, during my “middle-aged mommy dentist wants to attend law school” Google search, I was pleasantly surprised to come across ABA-approved online JD programs. Suddenly my hope of attending law school instantly became tangible.  


I was even more excited when my search results stumbled upon Cleveland State’s Online JD program because I wanted to be a part of their ”Learn Law. Live Justice.” culture. As a dentist who’s chosen to dedicate their career to serving the underserved in underserved areas, CSU College of Law’s ideologies resonated with my personal doctrine. My husband and I discussed the crazy idea of me attending law school and, with his unwavering support (as always), we decided that I should at least apply. Lucky for me, my stars aligned. 


Sure, I have already attended professional school and earned a doctorate, but that was when I was single, kidless, and my only responsibility was to keep myself alive. Professional school this time around is not even comparable to my last experience. I spent the first semester figuring out how to incorporate law school into my already over-scheduled calendar. It was definitely a struggle at times. There were weeks where I was required to unexpectedly work more, or one of the kids was sick, or I was sick, meaning I wasn’t always able to study as much as I planned. However, there were other weeks where I could go back through modules, review, and catch up. Unlike in-person lectures, modules afford me both flexibility and accessibility. 


In my opinion, the beauty of the online program is that we have the whole week to complete the modules when and where it works best for us. While I complete the majority of my studies during the weekends, I also study before patients or in between patients. I study during my kids’ sports practices or on the sidelines before the game/match begins. I study in the car as we drive to visit family or on the plane as I travel to a dental conference. The online modules allow me to participate in both law school and my life.  


I eagerly await the day that I can assist other dentists in the buying and selling of their own practices, and it’s only possible because Cleveland’s State’s JD program is accessible online. I am grateful to Cleveland State for accepting me into their Online JD program, Thank You. 

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